1 Be not dismayed whate’er betide, God will take care of you;
Beneath his wings of love abide, God will take care of you.
God will take care of you, Through ev’ry day,
O’er all the way; He will take care of you, God will take care of you.
2 Through days of toil when heart does fail, God will take care of you;
When dangers fierce your path assail, God will take care of you.
3 All you may need he will provide, God will take care of you;
Nothing you ask will be denied, God will take care of you.
4 No matter what may be the test, God will take care of you;
Lean, weary one, upon his breast, God will take care of you.

During the depression of 1929, Mr. J.C. Penney became a very sick man.
On top of this, he was financially broke. His doctor ordered him to bed in a sanitarium.
He and his family expected him to die. One day, he just went walking in the sanitarium.
He heard an old, familiar hymn coming from the chapel. He entered and listened to that song.  It touched his heart and lifted his spirits. The song was “God will Take Care of You.”  He groaned, “Lord, I can do nothing. Will you take care of me?”  God answered his prayer.  He came out of the chapel a different man. This was in the early thirties.  Mr. Penney regained his health and financial standing, trusting in the care of God.

Such hope is needed in the difficult times that we are all going through.
Listen to Jesus as He  calls:  “Come unto me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart and you will find rest for tour souls.”   Mathew 11:28-29

I saw this on Face Book “”If you trust God so much, why do you need to be quarantined?  For the same reason I use oven mitts and seat belts.
Proverb 1:7  “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and discipline.”

We are standing on the promises of God. He will not fail us..  Trust Him. .   .  .


Some say and believe that whoever has the gold makes the rules.  God through James in the 5th chapter refutes that by a warning to the sinful rich. HE definitely rebukes those who misuse their wealth.  Stuff is stored up and becomes loss because of disuse.
The sin is in improper use of wealth.  The Bible approves of honest labor and wise use of wealth.

We Christians are to be patient although poor in material goods. The Lord is coming back and HE will set all things right. Be patient like a farmer who waits for the crops to grow.  We are to sow and wait. The Judge is coming.
I like this illustration: A runaway team of horses pulling a wagon with a man on board.
The man is being tossed about and will be killed if something isn’t done.  A judge walking down the street sees the situation and races out taking hold of the team and bringing them to a stop, saving the man.    Later that same man appeared before the judge having committed murder.  The judge sentences him to death.  The man cried out, “But judge yesterday you risked your life to save me, now would you condemn me to death.” The judge replied, “Yesterday, I was your savior, today I am your judge.”

God wants to bless the faithful even as He did Job because of his persistent faith. We are to use our tongue wisely singing praises to God.  There is joy in serving Jesus.

The 13th verse starts a very difficult passage.  It is concerning the PRAYER OF FAITH.
All that I can do is give you my understanding of this scripture.
If troubled, having difficulty, pray.  If happy, sing. If sick, call the elders, leaders. of the congregation, they will pray and anoint with oil. Prayer offered in faith will heal the sick (no failures).
I believe that the Apostles who had miraculous power laid their hands on the Elders giving them such miraculous power.  It is called the “Prayer of Faith.” The Apostle Paul speaks of it in the 13th chapter of First Corinthians verse 2, “if I have a faith to move mountains”.    One of the nine supernatural gifts as listed in the 12th chapter of First Corinthians verse 9 that some were given a special faith.
Our faith, saving faith comes through hearing the message: “Consequently, faith comes  from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the Word of Christ.”
Romans 10:17  .
Salvation come through answering God’s call through hearing and believing God’s Word.


In the quiet Easter morning, you are standing in front of a grave in a garden and you see a stone in the mouth of the tomb, but-the stone is moving, is moving. God is rolling away the stone, not to let Jesus out, but to let you in. Suddenly, you hear the angel say, “He is not here; He has risen, just as He said. Come and see the place where He lay.” Matthew 28:6 NIV     You look, and the tomb is empty. With eyes of faith, you believe, Jesus has resurrected. He has defeated death and sin for all who believe in Him. This is the good news we must hear and accept.
Death ends nothing. How do we know that this is true?
One, there lies within each of us an instinct for the hereafter. We cannot force ourselves to believe that living here for a short span of time, is all there is to life. Age after age has treasured this instinct for immortality.
Two, immortality is in our conscience. Conscience points to a world beyond this world, to a day of reckoning, a time of rewarding. We believe, if not here, then somewhere, someday, all things will be settled and settled right.
Third, our affections hold out for a better home to come. Love will not allow us to believe that this world is all there is to life. No one can tell us nor are we able to tell ourselves that there is no hope for our deceased loved ones.
Fourth, our sense of God causes us to believe in continuance of life in a better home to come. We cannot conceive of God, who has made all things, to not be able to give us better things to come. How strange and cruel our God would be to give us this longing and hungering for an eternal home with Him and then not be able to fulfill our fondest dream.
Fifth, God’s revelation of Himself, through Jesus and the Bible, reveals the truth of life instead of death. When we come to the Word of God, the Bible, we find no note of uncertainty but a ‘thus says the Lord’ that gives hope to our hearts. The Bible does not teach ‘life after death,’ rather it teaches ‘life instead of death.’
Jesus came to destroy death by replacing it with life. Jesus lived through this experience man calls death. He came back from the dead. Only by the power of God could that be done. But, by doing it, Jesus paid for sin once and for all and took away death’s license to do business. God, through the resurrection of His Son, Jesus, gives us, who believe, the assurance of life with Him.
Certainly, this is difficult for us to understand because we are such earthlings. Even the early followers of Jesus did not understand. To their troubled hearts and to ours, Jesus said: “Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God, trust also in me. In my Father’s house are many rooms, if it were not so, I would have told you. I am going there to prepare a place for you and if I go and prepare a place for you. I will come back and take you to be with me that where I am, there you may be also.  ” John 14: 1-3 NIV


The Gospel of Mark, in the New Testament, chapters 11 through chapter 16 covers the last 8 days of Jesus’ earthly life. It should be helpful for us to follow in the foot steps of Jesus those final days, called the PASSION WEEK.                                               Sunday – The Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem, called Palm Sunday. Jesus is made King for a day. He thoroughly checked out the temple.
Monday – Cursed the fig tree because He found it fruitless, no prefigs. It was promise without performance. He clears the temple court of unholy hucksters.
Tuesday – A full day of teaching. Such teaching as: Explanation of cursing the fig tree (judgment on Israel), His authority is questioned, Parable of the Tenants (punishment of Israel), Paying taxes to Caesar and giving to God what belongs to Him, No marriage in the resurrection, The greatest commandment, Whose son is Jesus?, The widow’s offering, Signs of the end of Jerusalem, the temple and Judaism.
Wednesday – A quiet day (no record of activity).
Thursday – Upper Room – Passover Feast, Judas the betrayer, Washed the disciples’ feet, Lord’s Supper, after dinner conversation with the disciples (John 14, 15, 16), His prayer for them (John 17), Gethsemane, and arrest.
Friday – Early morning, Trial before Sanhedrin (night trial illegal), Peter’s denial, Judas’ suicide, Jesus before Pilate (around 5 – 6 a.m., Release of Barabbas, Jesus mocked by the soldiers, Crucifixion (around 9 a.m. – 3 p.m.), Burial of Jesus before 6 p.m. (start of Sabbath). Saturday – Jesus in the tomb (buried).
Sunday – RESURRECTION…Greatest news ever – “HE IS RISEN. HE IS NOT HERE.”   “Because He lives, we can live also.”

Dr. James Kennedy tells of this last incident in Abraham Lincoln’s life. Abraham and Mary were in Ford Theater. Lincoln leaned forward and whispered to Mary, “You know what I would like to do now, go with you to the Far East. We could go to Bethlehem where He was born. We could visit Bethany, follow in those hallowed steps. We could go up to Jeru…” John Wilks Booth at that instant fired the gun killing Abraham Lincoln.
Could it be that his last words were, “we could go to Jeru…?” Well, Lincoln never went to the earthly Jerusalem.
But, we can go with Jesus to Jerusalem. We can walk with Him during those last eight days of His earthly life. Take time to read chapters 11 through 16 of the Gospel of Mark. “I walked today where Jesus walked and felt His presence there.“