A basketball in my hands is worth about $10.
A basketball in Michael Jordan’s hands is worth about $ 33 million.
It depends whose hands it’s in.

A baseball in my hands is worth about $ 6.
A baseball in Mark McGuire’s hands is worth $ 19 million.
It depends on whose hands it’s in.

A tennis racket is useless in my hands.
A tennis racket in Venus Williams’ hands is a championship winning.
It depends whose hands it’s in.

A rod in my hands will keep away a wild animal.
A rod in Moses’ hands will part the mighty sea.
It depends whose hands it’s in.

A sling shot in my hands is a kid’s toy.
A sling shot in David’s hand is a mighty weapon.
It depends whose hands it’s in.

Two fish and 5 loaves of bread in my hands is a couple of fish sandwiches.
Two fish and 5 loaves of bread in God’s hands will feed thousands.
It depends whose hands it’s in.

Nails in my hands might produce a birdhouse.
Nails in Jesus Christ’s hands will produce salvation for the entire world.
It depends whose hands it’s in.

As you see now it depends whose hands it’s in.
So put your concerns, your worries, your fears, your hopes, your dreams, your families and your relationships in God’s hands because…
It depends whose hands it’s in.


IT DEPENDS ON WHO’S HANDS IT’S IN.                               Selected


This article is not original with me and I don’t even remember where I got it.  But, it is clever and cute and I thought that you would enjoy it. I hope you do.

“To those of us who have children in our lives, whether they are our own, grandchildren, nieces, nephews, or students…here is something to make you chuckle.

Whenever your children are out of control, you can take comfort from the thought that even God’s omnipotence did not extend to His own children.

After creating heaven and earth, God created Adam and Eve.  And the first thing he said was “DON’T.”  “Don’t what?” Adam replied.  “Don’t eat the forbidden fruit,”  God said.  “Forbidden fruit?  We have forbidden fruit?  Hey Eve…we have forbidden fruit…”  “No way.”  “Yes, way.”  “Do not eat the fruit,” said God.  “Why?”  Because I am your Father and I said so.”  God replied, wondering why He hadn’t stopped creation after making the elephants.  A few minutes later, God saw His children having an apple break and He was ticked.

“Didn’t I tell you not to eat the fruit?” God asked.  “Uh huh,” Adam replied.  “Then why did you?”  said the Father.
“I don’t know,” said Eve.  “She started it,” Adam said.  “Did not.”  “Did to.”  “Did not.”

Having had it with the two of them, God’s punishment was that Adam and Eve should have children of their own.  Thus the pattern was set and it has never changed.

If you have persistently and lovingly tried to give children wisdom and they haven’t taken it, don’t be hard on yourself.  If God had trouble raising children, what makes you think it would be a piece of cake for you.

Things to think about…
1. You spend the first two years of their life teaching them to walk and talk.  Then you spend the next sixteen telling them to sit down and shut up.
2. Children seldom misquote you.  In fact, they usually repeat word for word what you shouldn’t have said.
3. Grandchildren are God’s reward for not killing your own children.
4. Mothers of teens now know why some animals eat their young.
5. We child proofed our homes, but they are still getting in.

Be nice to your kids.  They will choose your nursing home.
And finally:  If you have a lot of tension and you get a headache, do what it says on the aspirin bottle:  “Take two aspirin” and “Keep away from children.”

Hope you enjoyed this…

Train Journey

“At birth, we boarded the train and met our parents. We believed that they would always travel on our side; however, at some station our parents stepped down from the train, leaving us on this journey alone.  As time goes by, other people boarded our train and they are significant such as our siblings, friends, children, and even the love of our life.
Many will step down and leave a permanent vacuum.  Others will go so unnoticed that we do not realize that they vacated their seats.  This train ride will be full of joy, sorrow, fantasy, expectations, hellos,  goodbyes, and farewells.
Success consists of having a good relationship with all passengers requiring that we give the best of ourselves.

The mystery to everyone is: we do not know at which station we ourselves will step down.  So, we must live in the best way: love, forgive, and offer the best of whom we are.  It is important to do this because when the time comes for us to step down and leave, we should leave behind beautiful memoires for those who will continue to travel on the train of life.

I wish you a joyful journey on the train of life.  Reap success and give lots of love.  More importantly, thank OUR CREATOR for the journey.  Lastly, I thank you for being one of the passengers on my train.”     Author Unknown

I do not know who wrote this article concerning the train of life, but I found it very meaningful.  Since you are reading this, then you are still on the train involved in life’s journey.  We have some work to do.  You know this is not a free ride to nowhere.  We are going some where.  The destination is up to each one of us.
Jesus said, “If any man would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me, For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will find it.  What good will it be for a man if he gains the whole world, yet forfeits his soul?  Or what can a man give in exchange for his soul?”    Matthew 16:24-26
The Apostle Paul knew the struggle and the goal for he said, “Brothers, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus”    Philippians 3:13-14

Keep on keeping on for Christ.  You are on the train ride of your life.





“George Bernard Shaw said, “People are always blaming their circumstances for what they are.  I don’t believe in circumstances.  The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want, and if they can’t find them, the make them.”
Well, it’s pretty apparent, isn’t it?  We become what we think about.
The person who has no goal, who doesn’t know where he’s going, and whose thoughts must therefore be thoughts of confusion, anxiety and worry – his life becomes one of frustration, fear, anxiety and worry.  And if he thinks about nothing…he becomes nothing.

How does it work?  Why do we become what we think about?  Well, I’ll tell you how it works, as far as we know.  To do this, I want to tell you about a situation that parallels the human mind.
Suppose a farmer has some land, and it’s good, fertile land.   The land gives the farmer a choice; he may plant in that land whatever he chooses.  The land doesn’t care.  It’s up to the farmer to make a decision.

We’re comparing the human mind with the land because the mind, like the land, doesn’t care what you plant in it.  It will return what you plant. but it doesn’t care what you plant.

Now, let’s say that the farmer has two seeds in his hand – one is a seed of corn, the other is nightshade, a deadly poison.  He digs two little holes in the earth and the plants both seeds – one corn, the other nightshade  He covers up the holes, waters and takes care of the land…and what will happen?  Invariably, the land will return what was planted.  As it’s written in the Bible, “As you sow, so shall you reap.”

Remember the land doesn’t care.  It will return poison in just as wonderful abundance as it will corn. So up come the two plants – one corn, one poison.

The human mind is far more fertile, far more incredible and mysterious than the land, but it works the same way.
It doesn’t care what we plant…success…or failure.  A concrete, worthwhile goal…or confusion, misunderstanding, fear, anxiety and so on. But what we plant must return to us.

You see, the human mind is the last great unexplored continent on earth.  It contains riches beyond our wildest dreams.  It will return anything we want to plant.”   Earl Nightingale

Someone said, “You may not be what you think you are, but you are what you think.

“Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable – if anything is excellent or praiseworthy – think about such things.”   Philippians 4:8