Give me a sense of humor, Lord. Give me the grace to see a joke, to get some humor out of life.
And pass it on to the other folks. I received the following through the internet, and I liked it. I hope you enjoy it too.

Dentist’s Hymn “Crown Him with Many Crowns”
Weatherman’s Hymn “There shall Be Showers of Blessings”
Contractor’s Hymn “The Church is One Foundation”
Tailor’s Hymn “Holy, Holy, Holy”
Golfer’s Hymn “There is a Green Hill Far Away”
Politician’s Hymn “Standing On The Promises”
Optometrist’s Hymn “Open My Eyes that I Might See”
IRS Agent’s Hymn “I Surrender All”
Gossip’s Hymn “Pass It On”
Electrician’s Hymn “Send the Light”
Shopper’s Hymn ”Sweet Bye and Bye”
Realtor’s Hymn “I’ve Got a Mansion, Just Over the Hilltop”
Massage Therapist’s Hymn “He Touched Me”

And for those who speed on the highway – a few hymns:
55 mph “God Will Take Care of You”
75 mph “Nearer My God To Thee”
85 mph “This World is Not My Home”
95 mph “Lord, I’m Coming Home”
100 mph “Precious Memories”

A young boy came home from church and told his mother that he knew what
God’s name was.  Mother said, “No one knows the name of God.”   They sang about it in church.  They sang,  “And He walks with me and He talks with me and He tells me I am His own.”  His name is ANDY.



We are at war and the enemy is us. We are engaged in a spiritual battle. God in the 6th chapter of Ephesians gives us our defense against attacks by Satan

Belt of Truth – holds everything together. Truth protects us against Satan’s lies. The devil’s chief weapon is lies. Jesus said, “I am the Truth”.
Breastplate of Righteousness – covers the heart and lungs. Jesus, by His life, death and resurrection gives us His right-ness before God. We stand strong and pure in Him.
Gospel of Peace – the shoes of peace are essential for stability. We are peace makers. Feet that are ready to carry His message of peace (harmony with God) to the whole world.
Shield of Faith – protects us all over. We trust in God and also Jesus Christ, His Son. We can withstand all attacks because we know in whom we have believed.
Helmet of Salvation – protects the head where all thought and knowledge come. Believers are to have the mind of Christ, think like Jesus.
Sword of the Spirit – this is the only offensive weapon. It is the Word of God, the Bible. We stand alone on the Word of God, the BIBLE.
Power of Prayer – keep the communication lines open to our commander and chief, God. Listen to Him through His Word, the Bible and speak to Him In prayer. Prayer is not telling God what to do. Prayer is standing at attention before God waiting for Him to tell us what to do.

Satan can harm us but he cannot defeat us. We are tempted by our own evil desires.
James 1:13-15 “When tempted, no one should say, God is tempting me. For God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does He tempt anyone; but each one is tempted when by his own evil desire, he is dragged away and enticed. Then, after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, gives birth to death.”
Jesus defeated the devil for us at Calvary. Our acceptance of that sacrifice on the cross makes possible the washing away of our sins. “What can wash away our sin, nothing but the blood of Jesus.”


I came across this beautiful letter from parents to child. I wanted to share it with you.

I gave you life, but I cannot live it for you.
I can teach you things, but I cannot make you learn.
I can take you to church, but I cannot make you believe.
I can teach you right from wrong, but I cannot always decide for you.
I can buy you beautiful clothes, but I cannot make you lovely inside.
I can give you love, but I cannot force it upon you.
I can teach you to be a friend, but I cannot make you one.
I can teach you to share, but I cannot make you unselfish.
I can advise you about friends, but I cannot choose them for you.
I can teach you about sex, but I cannot keep you pure.
I can tell you about drink, but I can’t say NO for you.
I can warn you about drugs, but I can’t prevent you from using them.
I can teach you kindness, but I can’t force you to be gracious.
I can love you as my child, but I cannot place you in God’s family.
I can pray for you, but I cannot make you walk with God.
I can teach you about Jesus, but I cannot make HIM your Savior.
I can teach you to obey, but I cannot make Jesus your Lord.
I can tell you how to live, but I cannot give you Eternal Life.
Thanks for listening. Love, Dad and Mom

Ecclesiastes 12:13 “Now all has been heard: here is the conclusion of the matter:
Fear God and keep His commandments, for this is the whole duty of man.”
“Trust and Obey for there is no other way…”
Daniel Webster was asked, “What is your most profound thought?” “My personal
accountability before God.”


Bobby Awtrey, minister of the Lighthouse Baptist congregation sent out an urgent message concerning the storm that is on its way. The church building is on Tybee Island, Savannah, Georgia. I want to share some of what he wrote.

Jesus teaches us how to prepare for the Storms of Life. Are you ‘Storm Ready?’ Read Matthew 7:24-27
When the storm comes, you will stand or fall depending upon the kind of house you have built. Jesus talks about two kinds of builders. The foolish and the wise.

The similarities of the builders are: They both wanted a house. Both build their houses in the same location. Both houses were subjected to the same stress.
The differences between the two houses lay in the foundation of the houses. The wise man built upon a rock. The foolish man built on sand. Likewise, in our lives, how we fare in trials depends upon the foundation upon which we have built our lives.
The builder who built on sand moved quickly. The builder who built upon rock move more slowly as one has to dig deep to build on rock. So, the man who built on sand finished while the other builder is still digging deep to build on the rock. To those looking on it seems that the man who built on the rock is slow and disadvantaged. The man who built on rock seems to be the loser. Yet, Jesus said, “And everyone that heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them not, shall be likened unto a foolish man, which built his house upon the sand.”

Hearing is the first part of building on the rock, but it is only half. Heeding the sayings of Christ is essential to building on the rock. THAT ROCK IS JESUS. James said, “Be ye doers of the word and not hearers only.” So many people listen to sermon after sermon over years but have no change in their lives because they fail to heed the word of God. In order to stand firm in the storm, you have to hear and do the word of God.
Into each life, some rain must fall. Storms come to every life, whether saved or unsaved. The storm will test your foundation as to whether you built on sand or the rock. Faith that cannot be tested is faith that cannot be trusted.
Your choices determine your circumstances. Choose wisely, build your life on the only safe, sane Rock, Jesus. He will see us through any storm that comes. Are you storm ready?